Hana Petrova

Legal and accounting services

We provide legal and accounting support to companies, entrepreneurs, and sportsmen.


We are a family firm with a wealth of international experience in the fields of law and accounting.

We provide legal and accounting support to private and corporate clients who need to set up, start up or continue business activities in the Czech Republic. We work in Czech, French, Italian and English.

Thanks to our experience in multinational companies, law firms and tax consultancy company, we have acquired in-depth knowledge of law, accounting and taxation. In addition to the Czech Republic, which is our home country, we have strong personal and professional links with France, Italy and Denmark. Hana Petrova holds a master's degree in Italian, French and Czech law and has practised as a lawyer in France and the Czech Republic. Marek Spivala studied economics in Denmark and Estonia and subsequently gained professional experience in a Germanophone tax consultancy company.